Women In Hockey: Sign Of The Times

Part 1:  Sign Of The Times Part 2:  Heading To The Quiet Room     An Introduction To Women In Hockey………   =================================================== Women in hockey is something you have…

What Was Rick Nash Thinking When He Hit Tomas Kopecky?

It has become the bane of so many. Hit X got this but Hit Y was identical and received nothing. The problem has driven people (fans, media, players, coaches, etc.) bonkers for decades. However, with the advent of social media, this outrage or discussion has taken on new levels of lunacy or fierce debate.

Sergei Kostitsyn: Boneheaded Or Lazy OR?

This is one that just hurts beyond belief when one watches but what I saw Sergei Kostitsyn commit tonight gets you benched for a long time. Those who are Nashville fans have…

Slow Friday? Make Money At DraftKings!

This week features a Friday with not much in the way of NHL action. Has that ever stopped us before? No, it hasn’t. The dilemma is this. There are only three games…