Today in Hockey History: Feb. 15

One of the most iconic teams in the history of the National Hockey League was close to relocating before a legendary name stepped up and took control. This date has…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 29

One of the greatest goaltenders the National Hockey League had ever seen officially ended his playing career on this date. Jan. 29 has also seen a plethora of personal milestones,…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 22

Jan. 22 is a very eventful date in the history of the National Hockey League. It has given us everything from big personal milestones, great goaltending, and even a pair…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 14

This was a significant date for the pioneers and early stars of the National Hockey League. Jan. 14 stood out for a legend in Boston and a pair of all-time…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 12

Jan. 12 had some big moments from some of the greatest players in National Hockey League history. One legend returned to where he made a name for himself, another became…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 6

Jan. 6 has not been the busiest of dates in the National Hockey League history, but there are still plenty of moments to look back on. The number 1,000 was…

Today in Hockey History: Jan. 3

The players who had big days on Jan. 3 read like a list of who’s who in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Some of the greatest names in the history…