Broad Street Needs More Bullies?

Joke all you want, but the Philadelphia Flyers are building something. It doesn’t take much imagination to recognize what is going on between General Manager Paul Holmgren’s ears these days with the offseason acquisition list looking more like who you’d want on your side in a back alley brawl let alone on the ice in front of thousands of insane Philadelphia fans. With Chris Pronger, Ray Emery, Ian Laperriere, and Ole-Kristian Tollefsen added to a lineup that includes Mike Richards, Scott Hartnell, Arron Asham, Darroll Powe, and Riley Cote there isn’t much there that’s left to the imagination despite Pronger’s comments during his official Philadelphia welcome party.

Flyers Shipping Up to Boston for 2010 Winter Classic

After months of speculation the Flyers have pulled a dramatic upset to win the away team bid for the 2010 Winter Classic over the Washington Capitals. It couldn’t have happened though without quite a bit of help. In this storyBettman’s plans to have Ovechkin on the biggest hockey stage of the modern NHL outside of the Stanley Cup Finals were foiled by NBC is spectacular deus ex machina fashion. The Flyers on the other hand, who were holding out to host their own Winter Classic in the near future, got to have their cake and eat it too thanks to the push for higher ratings.