Hurricanes Puck Talk: Inside Shiver’s Head on Media Row

Ever wonder what a media guy thinks during a game? Let’s have some fun as I take you inside my head on media row during the game between the Carolina Hurricanes and the Tampa Bay Lightning. Note: The following is a compilation of my thoughts, no matter how random, during the game.

Well here I am, walking down the fifth floor of the PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC. I’m hoping that big guy who usually has his chair way out in the aisle is not here yet. It’s always awkward to try to squeeze by. Wow, looks like a good crowd. I guess people are glad the All-Star break is over. Whew, he’s not here yet, smooth sailing to my seat.


They always have the same singer for the National Anthem. She’s really good. Why do those same fans always shout “red!” when she sings the line, “And the rocket’s red glare?” Do they do that at other NHL venues? I need to plug-in my phone. I think my tablet has enough battery charge left.

My ice cream is melting fast. The media meal was fantastic tonight. Korean BBQ chicken, roast beef, and salad. I bet @DRdiabloTHW will be hatin’ when I post a pic of the meal on Facebook. Can I even eat this ice cream? Saw Ron Francis getting ice cream. It was cool chatting him up before he went upstairs. I shoulda asked him when he’s gonna pull the plug on Alexander Semin, but it wasn’t the right time.

Puck Drop

Man, how cool is this? I get to watch Steven Stamkos live, and Ben Bishop, too. So why is Anton Khudobin starting again? Gee, Cam Ward had one bad outing and hasn’t started since. Guess he’s not Coach Bill Peters’ “stud” anymore. Gotta hand it to Khudobin, though, he has had the hot hand. Let me look, yeah, he’s won five in a row. Still feel bad for Cam.

Wow, that was fast! Eric Staal just scored :22 seconds into the game! Nice way to start the second half of the season.

That’s his 16th goal of the season. Nice. And Jordan Staal got the assist. He’s really added so much to the team since he came back. It’d be really cool if the Hurricanes could beat the Lightning tonight.


Why doesn’t my right ear bud work. These things are brand new. Where’s Tripp Tracey? Hey John Forslund is doing the game for NBCSN night. Anson Carter is the analyst. Didn’t he play for the ‘Canes? Google time. Yep, 2006-07. He’s doing a good job.

I kinda miss Tripp. I think he’s doing color for Chuck Kaiton on radio tonight. Chuck is awesome. How does he pronounce all those names? I need to remember he said I could interview him soon. That will be cool.

Whoa, Gerbe! Man I love that guy. What a great goal!

Ok so that’s only his 5th goal on the season, but he is always playing like a fiend, 100% effort every time he is on the ice. If we had four lines of guys that all had his heart we’d be incredible. I need to make a not to get him after a practice for a sit-down interview.

Well, the Hurricanes are up 2-0. They’re playing kinda sloppy now. Hope they are not overconfident. The Lightning are too good to get complacent. Dang!

Was I right or what! 2-1 now. Who scored that goal? Glad they have four giant screens in front of media row. It was Cedric Paquette. Where’s he from? Did that go in off of Brett Bellemore?

First Intermission

Time to hit the restroom. Why is it such a long walk? Hey there’s Adam Gold. He seemed to like the concept of this “live mental musings” article. Maybe I’ll send him the link tomorrow on Twitter, @AGoldFan Does that handle mean he works at “The Fan” or he’s a fan of himself? Ok, that’s a silly thought.

Still full from the roast beef. Where are the mixed nuts? Those bagged peanuts are not as good. Back to my seat. Here comes the first period notes. Those interns do a great job. I need to tell them that as often as I can. Everybody likes to be appreciated.

Second Period musings

Here we go, second period. This place is cold tonight. Why is that? Not much going on in the game. Wait, was that Faulk? Yes, what a great shot!

Ha! All the haters who complained about his being on the All-Star team. Take that. Wow, he blasted that one right past Ben Bishop. Finally the Hurricanes get a power play goal. Good for you, Justin. 3-1. Nice. Maybe the Hurricanes can hold on and win.

Hurricanes goalie thoughts

Anton Khudobin made some sweet saves in the first period. He’s really playing great. How does Cam Ward feel about that? He’s a pro. Is he hatin’ being on the bench? Of course he is.

Good for Khudobin. Is Cam gonna want to be traded after all? Not the Minnesota Wild. Who else needs a goalie? Cool, a power play!

Uh oh. This is not gonna end well. Rats! A short-handed goal. How does that happen? That’s ridiculous!

Brian Boyle did make a nasty move on Khudobin. But he should not have broken loose like that. Victor Rask got the puck swiped from him. Oh well, Victor is ok. 3-2 now. It will stink if the Hurricanes don’t win this game.

Oh man, Jiri Tlusty into the far boards. I hope he is ok. That was a hard crash. Didn’t see anything like that in the NHL All-Star game. That whole game was a comedy on ice. Good thing, too. Can’t have NHL superstars getting jammed into the boards in a meaningless game. Well, Tlusty seems okay. That had to hurt.

Another intermission

Well I’ve lost the WiFi connection. This new tablet is really cool. The bluetooth keyboard makes it so much easier to type. More in-game notes. Do I really need all this paper? Wow, 12,508 in attendance. I thought it would be more. Still not bad I guess. Be nice if this place could start being sold out again. Guess that comes with winning.

How does Chip Alexander get his articles done so fast. I guess he has a deadline writing for the News & Observer. He does a really good job. Need to tell him.

Winding down

Well, I’m kinda tired. Third period moving right along. The guy with the AP always leaves after the second period. Guess he goes to the media room downstairs to finish his story. I’m glad I don’t have that kind of deadline pressure. Hey there goes Tlusty!

That should seal it. 4-2 now. Justin Faulk with a sweet assist. Not an All-Star, huh? That was a really good goal. Great teamwork. I’m glad that Tlsuty is okay.

Let’s see, a win will make 3 in a row for the Hurricanes. Sweet. January is turning out to be a great month for the ‘Canes. And 6 in a row for Khudobin. Wow!

Ok, time to go downstairs. This has been fun to write. Hey, Adam Gold just asked how it’s coming along. Hope there’s not a big traffic jam leaving the game. Who’s next? Oh yeah, the St. Louis Blues Friday night. Cool! I can’t wait. Ok, I’m done.

There you have it. Mental ramblings from me, live from the Carolina Hurricanes versus the Tampa Bay Lightning game. I had fun writing it all down. I hope you enjoyed reading along.