Buffalo Sabres Left Wing Options

If the Buffalo Sabres wish to put an immediate end to their current six-year playoff drought, there are two holes they need to fill this offseason. The first is obviously…

Should Blue Jackets Expose Jack Johnson?

Columbus Blue Jackets GM Jarmo Kekalainen knows that the upcoming expansion draft will mean that his team, like many others, will lose a good player. The question that is consuming…

Blackhawks’ Offseason Blueprint 2017

The saying goes that ‘time heals all wounds’. That may be true. Unless, perhaps, your wound is the most embarrassing postseason effort that your franchise and fan base have endured…

Red Wings, Vegas Expansion Draft Options

Next month’s Vegas Golden Knights expansion draft could present the Detroit Red Wings with an opportunity to improve their team, despite the guarantee they’ll be losing someone. In fact, most…