Wild Watch: Matt Dumba

At just 21 years of age, Matt Dumba is the youngest Wild player by nearly a year. That hasn’t stopped the Calgary, Alberta native from quickly becoming a fixture in…

Wild Watch: A Surgin’ Jared Spurgeon

ICYMI: Check out some of the latest editions of Wild Watch. Ryan Carter Devan Dubnyk Thomas Vanek Charlie Coyle Today’s edition of Wild Watch features defenseman Jared Spurgeon in what…

Minnesota Wild’s 5 Best Trade Assets

With the Minnesota Wild struggling immensely right now, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see them as sellers come March 2nd, the NHL Trade Deadline. Currently seven points behind…

Traverse City: Minnesota Wild Review

The Minnesota Wild took to the 2014 Traverse City Prospect Tournament with a roster that looked to be extremely solid on the back end, but lacking star power up front.…